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WRAP® Refreshers

People who have completed WRAP® workshops should not only be facilitated to have on-going WRAP® peer support but also to re-join the facilitated peer group experience to revisit their personalized plans and receive new ideas for their wellness. This requires that the WRAP Facilitators and Advanced Level WRAP

Facilitators also participate in trainings that refresh their knowledge and skills in Facilitating WRAP. The Copeland Center offers opportunities for Facilitator Refreshers as well as equips Advanced Level WRAP Facilitators to offer refreshers in their communities.


WRAP Facilitation is a training program developed and implemented by the Copeland Center for Wellness & Recovery based on ongoing consultation with Mary Ellen Copeland, her associates, Mental Health Recovery and WRAP facilitators and people with a lived experience in recovery. In order to improve skills and stay informed regarding effective approaches to WRAP Facilitation continued learning is imperative. It is recommended that WRAP Facilitators attend a Refresher Course at least once every two year in order to stay up to date on developments and best practices. If you would like to register for a refresher workshop with WRAP of DC or the Copeland Center please use either of the following links:


Washington, DC

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