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Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) for Addictions

    Washington, DC is experienced an alarming increases in fatal opioid overdoses. Too many of our neighbors in Washington, DC lose their lives or family members and friends to a substance use disorder. Many of these cases involve opioid overdoses.


     The Evidence-based Program & Practice Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) for Addictions is a part of Washington, DC’s Strategic Plan to Reduce Opioid Use, Misuse and Related Deaths


      WRAP for Addictions is for people who want to use WRAP to deal with addictions such as food, tobacco, alcohol and drugs. 

     This special edition of the original WRAP book presents a system developed and used successfully by people with a variety of mental health challenges, including addictions. It has helped them to develop and use their own personal plan to monitor how they feel, to maintain their wellness, to prevent a re-occurrence of mental health difficulties and to help them feel better, recover, stay well and improve the quality of their lives

Workshop Materials

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