Anger Management
Anger Management
To provide clinicians with tools to help deal with this important issue, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is pleased to present Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual and its companion book Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: Participant Workbook. The anger management treatment design in this manual, which has been delivered to hundreds of clients over the past 8 years, has been popular with both clinicians and clients. This treatment design can be used in a variety of clinical settings and will be beneficial to the field.
The treatment model described in this manual is a combined CBT approach that employs relaxation, cognitive, and communication skills interventions. This combined approach presents the participants with options that draw on these different interventions and then encourages them to develop individualized anger control plans using as many of the techniques as possible.