Work Related Issues
You may feel that you are ready to start working, return to work, work more hours, change jobs, or make some other changes in your work situation.
If so, you may want to develop a special Wellness Recovery Action Plan to address these issues.
Or you may want to include them in a WRAP you have already developed for yourself or one you plan to develop.
You may feel that you are ready to start working, return to work, work more hours, change jobs, or make some other changes in your work situation.
read more:
Work Related Issues ... Handout.
Depression or manic depression doesn't have to limit your choice of careers. People who suffer from mood disorders have worked as teachers, psychologists, counselors, caseworkers, accountants, dietitians, doctors, nurses, health care professionals, social workers, custodians, surveyors, tool and die makers, electricians, plumbers, etc. The list goes on. You don't even have to work at a career if your finances permit. You can live a full, active, and rewarding life by getting involved with advocacy, or by volunteering, raising a family, caring for elderly parents or relatives with disabilities, or pursuing a particular interest with a passion.
read more: Creating A Career That Works